• Remote site soil and sampling:
    • Collection of soil samples to your company specifications
    • Orientation survey sampling
    • Efficient and accurate collection of samples
    • Assistance with sample program planning
  • Drill site supervision
    • Drill site set up and clearing supervision
    • Access track route finding and clearing
    • RC/AC/RAB sampling and supervision
    • Diamond rig supervision, core orientation and markup
    • Safe collection and transport of samples and core to final destination
  • Exploration data management:
    • Collection of sample data using the latest technology
    • QA/QC of all sampling data before submitting to client
    • Digital tracking to sample locations and backup systems in case of failure
  • Remote site camp establishment including the provision of:
    • Accommodation
    • Catering services
    • Medical support
    • Remote site communications – voice, data and tracking (satellite, HF and UHF)
    • Computer networks and systems
  • Exploration vehicles and equipment
    • Mine-spec 4WD’s and trucks
    • Water and fuel systems
    • Fire mitigation practices and equipment

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